Friday, November 27, 2009

Cranberry Sangria

We always try to think of new festive drinks to compliment our huge meals during the holidays. One of our favorites is a "Pointsetta Martini" that we make during Christmas time. One of my moms co-workers reccommended this new drink to compliment our Thanksgiving menu. I have to say it was delish and refreshing. Also, who doesn't love Sangria?

Ingredients: Makes about one pitcher of Sangria
1 bottle of Bourjelay
1 cup of orange juice
4 cups of cranberry juice
Cut wedges of oranges, apples
Handful of cranberries

Combine all ingredients and set for 2-3 hours to let the fruit absorb the alcohol.


1 comment:

  1. Ummm...the sangria did NOT go over well. Dad, do you remember?
