Friday, October 23, 2009

Pancake Tips!

Tips and Gadgets

Justine's favorite breakfast is my Sunday morning pancake party. There really is no recipe; I usually follow whatever’s on the back of our favorite-boxed pancake mix. And yes, I do use package mixes, on occasion…I admit it…now you all know.

BUT here’s two little helpful tips. You want to make sure you are using a whisk to combine all of your ingredients; this allows a lump-free batter and it also incorporates air into the batter for light and fluffy pancakes. The next little tip is super easy; just make sure you let the batter sit for about 30 minutes after it’s been completely combined. Letting the batter stand for a while will also allow your batter to come to a very light consistency. Once you start to see air-bubbles come to the top of the batter, you know that all the ingredients are doing their job. Hopefully, you have a patient crowd for this tip!


P.s. Thanks, for the pictures!!

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