Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Marble Brownies

It was my bosses birthday at work this week and her birthday "request" was marble brownies. I thought I could just add cream cheese to the batter and that would be that. Wrong. Called my Mom and she had a better idea...
Use any old brownie box recipe (Duncan Heines is usually our go-to) then in a separate bowl combine 1 egg, 3 tbs. of sugar, 1 tsp. of vanilla and 8 0z. of room-temp. cream cheese. Combine brownie mix as stated on the box and spread into a 12X 8 non-stick baking pan. Then drop dollops of cream-cheese mixture on top of the brownie batter. Take a knife or toothpick and swirl the mixture into the batter.
Tip--do not mix completely because then you'll have a gray batter, just swirl gently! Follow the baking instructions, mine took about 50 minutes. Let stand to cool. Cut into squares and enjoy!!



Ps my boss loved them!

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