Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lady Gaga Cookies!

I couldn't resist posting these pictures of lady gaga cookies because:
1. They are too cute
2. My mom is a HUGE lady gaga fan ( I feel like this should even be my first point)

Check out more pictures here.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Steak Sandwiches

We are steak lovers in my family. So when I found this recipe for steak sandwiches on smitten kitchen I knew we had to try it out. We also made some homemade french fries as a side which were amazing. Try it out--also makes great leftovers for lunch!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Just when we thought we'd figured out every POSSIBLE way to eat cupcakes. Check this out.

Monday, April 19, 2010

why can't every day be Sunday?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oh joy eats

All cakes deserve there own pedestal.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Homemade Ravioli

For Easter every year we make ravioli's but we usually just buy them from our local Italian specialty store. This year, since we had tried homemade pasta over the holiday's we figured why not just make them ourselves? It was a lot of fun, and since the ravioli's are so delicate we actually baked them in the oven instead of cooking them in boiling water where they may fall apart. Try it out!

2 large eggs
1 1/4 cup of all purpose flour
pinch of salt

To make the dough by hand, make a well in the flour on a clean, flat surface. Break the eggs into the well and add the salt. Working with your hands or a fork, begin incorporating flour into the eggs at the center. Before long you'll have a workable dough, which should be kneaded for several minutes. The goal at the end of kneading is to have a well-formed, elastic dough that is very smooth. Roll out each piece of dough into long, flat, rectangular sections and process through your machine. Since ravioli's are very thing you may have to run the dough through the processor about 3 or even 4 times. Also, keep in mind that it took 3 of us to handle the very long and very delicate dough. Place the dough on a clean, flat surface. Take a rounded object, we used a small container, and mark where you want your ravioli's to be. Then place a dollop of ricotta cheese in the center of each circle. Place another sheet of pasta on top and gently press, seal with your fingers and cut out. Place in foil tray with tomato sauce. Bake at 475 degrees for about 45 minutes. Keep an eye on your Ravioli's though because they may be done sooner.

as always, enjoy!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Cute Kitchen Things!

I just moved to a new apartment and I have a brand new kitchen to decorate! How cute are these pictures! I would love to wake up and make sunshine pancakes on a Sunday morning. How cute are those mugs too! And this little guy, check out his feet sticking out on the plate.
Homemade Ravioli's coming up tomorrow~!



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Linguini with Crabmeat

This is one of our favorite summer dishes. I mean what's better than fresh crab over some linguini. Mmmmm. No need to wait for summer though. A lot of grocery stores carry jumbo lump crabmeat. Try this out!

1 pound of linguine
1 pound of jumbo lump crab meat
3 plum tomatoes, diced
1 shallot, minced
2 sprigs of fresh parsley, chopped
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tbs. olive oil

Bring water to a boil, throw pasta in. While pasta is cooking add 1 tbs. olive oil to a medium-sized skillet and place over heat. Add olive oil with minced shallot, dice tomatoes and add to shallots, add crab meat and thyme. Saute ingredients until pasta is cooked. Reserve about 1 cup of boiling pasta water to add to crab meat sauce. Add as needed for desired consistency. About 5 minutes.
Add parsley
Drain pasta & toss together!




Monday, April 5, 2010

Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Now I am not the biggest fan of carrot cake. But even I have to admit that these little suckers are pretty great.
Check out the recipe here!




Sunday, April 4, 2010

Classic Cheesecake

Happy Easter everyone! Just came back from a marathon cooking weekend. Check the site the next couple of days as we will be posting some of our Easter recipes!
For starters though, check out this great cheesecake recipe!
*Don't forget to make this the night before you serve it, as it needs at least 24 hours to chill.


